Saturday, December 09, 2006

Chatel-Guyon - December 4-7, 2006

Chatel-Guyon is a tiny spa town in central France. This is where we had our scientific conference. It's a beautiful town, but it shuts down in the winter, so there was nothing to do. Just as well, the conference kept me plenty busy. Some facts about the area:

The water is extremely high in magnesium. This did not agree with my hair.
The soil is super dark and very fertile.
There is a Michelin factory.

Here is a view of the street where our hotel was located.

The view from our hotel room window

The conference organized a tourist excursion to Issoire where we visited this church. I have no idea what it is called. I only know that it is Roman. One feature of Roman churches that you will notice is that they are very colorful. It was getting dark at this point and I couldn't get many pictures.

Then we had dinner at a medieval castle that Catherine de Medici owned.

Sunrise from our hotel room window (8:00am)

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