Sunday, June 03, 2007

Seema - May 6, 2007

Seema was a senior at Lubbock High School and just graduated last week! She will be attending Texas Tech in the fall. She is a beautiful intelligent young lady and was such a great model! It was an incredibly sunny day and we had fun going all over Lubbock. Yes, I got sunburned again. Here are some favorites.

Friday, June 01, 2007

Catherine and Blayke - May 5, 2007

I had a hard time choosing the pictures for this blog entry. There were so many that I loved, and I had such a great time! I love outdoor weddings! (Except for the painful sunburn that I got which ended up turning into quite a dark tan.) Catherine and Blayke's wedding was at the Lubbock Garden and Arts Center which is a great venue, and the reception was at La Diosa downtown.

Catherine's family made this garter for her from an old dress she wore as a girl